Thousands of Ukrainian refugee children are about to spend their first Christmas away from home; while it s not the outcome that anyone would have wanted, publishers efforts continue to ensure that books in their own language will comfort them through a holiday season in exile.
Among the former nations of the Warsaw Pact and USSR, Ukraine has begun to become a leader, if ever so reluctantly, in creating a place of equality for the LGBTQ community.
The world of children s books has come together with a number of initiatives aimed at offering support to children s authors, publishers, and aid organizations.
Dzień Matki 2021. Już 26 maja będziemy obchodzić Dzień Matki. Tego dnia z pewnością wiele osób będzie szukało pomysłu na najpiękniejsze życzenia, które złoży swoim Mamom. Sprawdź kartki z pięknymi życzeniami, które wyślesz za pomocą MMS, Facebooka czy Whatsappa.