They dont know yet how far with this. But people are were tired already of this not having a relationship with america and now they will see an opportunity to increase business and things will come from america that will create jobs. People in cuba believe that we have so much in common with america. And with americans. And so this is certainly good for both partners we believe. Cuba plays a very Important Role and now they are expressing how happy they are and they see america with different eyes. So it opens a new market for american producers is good for the American Business with the
congressman, your thoughts as alan gross comes home and the possibility of normalization with cuba. First of all, were always elated when an american gets to come home, so i congratulate alan gross. He got his freedom, he got to spend hannukah with his family. Thats wonderful news. What is not wonderful news is that the families of the brothers to the rescue shootdown, those four wonderful american pat
And putt against leaders of his own party like congressman nancy pelosi and senator warren. Liberals are quick to condemn the Spending Bill calling it a broib for banks and donors. Mike emmanuel is live on capitol hill with us. Mike, the senate so manies stuck on the extension, they did do something successfully, right . Reporter no question about that. They passed a short Term Government funding to buy senators more time. It was scheduled to be quiet today. And there are conversations taking place about cutting the deal on the government extension and well so if it pans out. Earlier harry reid sounded aggravated. Regrettably the republicans
pulled the legislation off. And now, we are regulated to watching the time tick away on the clocks. Reporter at this point the senators are in session seven hours and counting, julie . What have they done all day long. A voteramma. And look at the names. Murphy to be Surgeon General and car lincolman for Social Security commissioner. And this is ge
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