amplified. barry weiss, i called a long time tech executive on the phone today and said, what do you think about twitter? s and he said whai dy heo yo lookt teeny tiny twitter. and i went, well, d you knowt the whole story about what washe disclosed by taieb and weiss.u and he said, you need to look longer and deeper r at the five horsemen of the apocalypse, amazon, apple, google, microsoft and facebook. he said thesfae companies, and - controlled the entire ecosystem of digital commerce. he said it all, virtually all of internet activity. and they know more about you and what you do every day thanty the federal government. they re all powerfu rl, unchecked monstrosities that s thare doing exactly the same thing that twitter was doing and was doing in different ways. and you don t know it and can t see it. rience one example, and this was based on personal experience from this individual, apple hasd