Claim injury any time a decision is made. The white house has lost control of the message, thats largely because the messenger, the president himself. Hes a chatty and impulse yuf person with an inability to selfedit. Or insisting his powerful perch gives him license to disseminate any intel nuggets he so choose. It appears the tired souls around him have become the prime leakers. That creates two problems. The president s magnetic percent nail it repugnant to the opposition. And the leaks serve no one. These are not brave whistleblowers, they are disgruntled partisans holdovers who get their rocks off dropping leaks on republican reseptember kals. Here is Dennis Kucinich on the error of the leaks. I disagree with the president on several issues. But somebody in the Intelligence Community is trying to upend this president. The question is why and who and we need to find out. Kennedy 3 current and past courtessans. I dont want to hear anyone complain when they have to choke count hideou
Claim injury any time a decision is made. The white house has lost control of the message, thats largely because the messenger, the president himself. Hes a chatty and impulse yuf person with an inability to selfedit. Or insisting his powerful perch gives him license to disseminate any intel nuggets he so choose. It appears the tired souls around him have become the prime leakers. That creates two problems. The president s magnetic percent nail it repugnant to the opposition. And the leaks serve no one. These are not brave whistleblowers, they are disgruntled partisans holdovers who get their rocks off dropping leaks on republican reseptember kals. Here is Dennis Kucinich on the error of the leaks. I disagree with the president on several issues. But somebody in the Intelligence Community is trying to upend this president. The question is why and who and we need to find out. Kennedy 3 current and past courtessans. I dont want to hear anyone complain when they have to choke count hideou
Grandmother its my Great Fortune to welcome you to this panel, this wonderful discussion well have about the presidency of Richard Nixon and the lessons thin, and im also happy to invite you to a conversation. Well be able to have on that same theme and that same question. Before we get started in ernest, though, it is fitting that we take a moment to remember the space that were in, and who founds it. Tonight we are gathered in at the First Amendment center here at vanderbilt yard which is founded by john seigenthaler. You may not be aware of his legacy, he served for 43 years as an awardwinning journalist for the tennessean, and his retirement he was editor, publisher, and ceo. And in 1982 he became the founding editorial director of usa today and served in that position for a decade. Seigenthaler left journalism to serve in the u. S. Justice department as Administrative Assistant to attorney general robert f. Kennedy. His work in the field of civil rights let to center field as chie
Good afternoon, everybody. Premium professor getting trade and investment policy here at the hum friday institute and school here at the university of minnesota. This is a special, special of our 20 years of seminars on global policy. The vietnam war was a series of event both domestic that ended the lives of millions of people and in that generation. Disputes have raged about every aspect of that war in the decade since it was over and they actually started before obviously. From time to time. And cant wait on the dispute involved. And thats what the seminar is about. And very fortunate to have with us to introduce today the students of the vietnam period my colleague professor paul stone of the Humphrey School and university of Minnesota Department of history. Ill introduce the speaker and handle the question and answer period following our pespeaker. Paul stone. [ applause ] good afternoon and welcome to this session of the forum. This is also a joint meeting with my class which is
Good afternoon, everybody. Premium professor getting trade and investment policy here at the hum friday institute and school here at the university of minnesota. This is a special, special of our 20 years of seminars on global policy. The vietnam war was a series of event both domestic that ended the lives of millions of people and in that generation. Disputes have raged about every aspect of that war in the decade since it was over and they actually started before obviously. From time to time. And cant wait on the dispute involved. And thats what the seminar is about. And very fortunate to have with us to introduce today the students of the vietnam period my colleague professor paul stone of the Humphrey School and university of Minnesota Department of history. Ill introduce the speaker and handle the question and answer period following our pespeaker. Paul stone. [ applause ] good afternoon and welcome to this session of the forum. This is also a joint meeting with my class which is