Looking back
John and Elizabeth Rowe gave the Cedar Hill Cemetery Association the original deed for 31 acres just west of Greencastle 1870. The acreage was located south of what is now Route 16. In 1928, additional land was purchased on the north side of the Mercersburg road, according to an undated newspaper clipping.
In 1929, numerous shrubs were planted, driveways plotted and the old one-room schoolhouse known as Cedar Hill was removed, according to Shank.
Frank L. Carbaugh American Legion Post 373 donated $1,100 for a limestone rostrum at the cemetery. The monument was dedicated in 1932 to “the memory of men and women of this community who have served their country in time of war.” The rostrum was restored in 2018, and a flagpole illuminated with solar lights was installed in front of it in 2019 with donations from local veterans organizations, businesses and individuals.