Kentucky deer hunters can help themselves and state managers by completing emailed surveys on future deer hunting regulations in chronic wasting disease (CWD) surveillance zones.
Tracy Ross and Woodlands Nature Station naturalist John Pollpeter discuss the beavers of Land Between the Lakes.
Beavers are the second-largest rodent in the world; the first largest is the South American capybara. Beavers can get up to 60 pounds in this area, Pollpeter begins. I ve heard some records as large as 90 pounds. That s a big animal out here in Land Between the Lakes. It s easy to see. They re conspicuous. A lot of times, you ll see them swimming across the lake maybe just their nose. The tell-tale sign that there s a beaver around is if you get too close, they will slap that flat tail of theirs. They re a very family-oriented animal; that [tail flap] is a warning to the rest of the family that there s danger nearby.