not only did the president confiscate the translator s notes at the helsinki meeting, but he told the translator not to discuss what was said. jessica has been following everything on this timeline. jess, lay it out because this all centered around the trump tower meeting. it does, and it really leads up to big questions. what did the president talk about to president putin and did it have anything to do with that trump tower meeting, because this is how it plays out. let s start at july 7, 2017. the president at this time was in hamburg, germany for the g-20 summit, and that s when he and his team learned that the new york times had a scoop. the paper was about to publish this story about how donald trump jr., paul manafort and
benjamin franklin knew that. a master of words and images alike, he published america s first political cartoon in 1754. a snake cut into eight parts called join or die, urging british colonies to join together or be attacked by french and indian allies. for america with honest abe working to repair the union to europe with napoleon and william pitts splitting the world. for years cartoons have been used to convince, control, cajole and serve a healthy feeding of crow. today is no different. here is how the new york daily news responded to the helsinki summit. they used his fifth avenue comment against him by showing putin grasping one hand while trump shoots uncle sam with the other. another shows putin holding the president of the nra by the waist after he learned about a suspected russian agent who infiltrated the gun lobby. and the new yorker s latest issue is topped with this.
was doing other than major u.s. commercial banks who largely shunned him. i think the issue is where did the money come from. the trump family says it came from their own coffers. i think they should put that to the test and release their tax returns. i would like to see them as well. timothy o brien, thanks for being here. and breaking news. you are looking live right now at the senate floor where a vote is underway on a resolution, non-binding resolution to take a firm stand of handing over america s diplomats officials and members of the armed forces to be question ds ed by russia. this is a purely symbolic non-binding vote. we also want to remind you within the hour we are going to hear directly from the director of national intelligence, dan coats, for the first time since the helsinki summit. you remember he issued that strongly worded statement in response to the president where he said once again that russia is still meddling and that it is
up to mr. putin, most recently monday when he publicly praised him while attacking his own fbi and doj and doubting his own intelligence community. what did donald trump say privately? there were no aides in the one-on-one with putin, no note takers. just translators. the washington post reports that the russian ambassador claims that important verbal agreements were reached at the helsinki meeting, but back here in the u.s. officials at senior levels still have little to no information. the lingering questions about that meeting have not gone unnoticed on capitol hill. today there were new calls for the president s translator to testify. it is our motion that the interpreter be subpoenaed to come and testify in closed session before our committee, and i would like to yield for the purposes of did you make a motion? i am making a motion, yes. i would like to this is, as you know, mr. schiff, this is a hearing and