the republican party. not so much merge with it or join with it, but basically take it over. they feel that the republican party is rife with too many what they call rhinos republicans in name s only. republicans that they consider to be too moderate or perhaps even liberal. anthey re on a path to power to purge the party. what the activists tell me as often often as i ve been covering these rallies. they re on a path to purge the republican party from those moderates. is there aeeling that this hosten takeover could actually happen because there s a ground swell of support within the reblican party that says, we are willing to be taken over? we are willing to identify wi these philosophies of the tea party movement? that s a great question. it depen on who you talk to. these activists feel that it is possible. they cite wins in alaska against senator lisa murkowsky. they cite the wins in other places. helping propelharon angle of