The Turkey Trot has been a time-honored tradition for more than 28 years, in which students from Wiscasset Elementary School collect food items for the Help Yourself Shelf (HYS) Food Pantry. Sheepscot Valley Children’s House and Wiscasset Community.
Dear Editor: For 167 years, St. Philip ’ s Episcopal Church , 12 Hodge St. in Wiscasset has been carrying on its tradition of gathering for weekly worship and then allowing the bright red doors to do the talking during the week. Red doors.
Wiscasset’s Help Yourself Shelf Food Pantry (HYS) is happy to report it is the recipient of the funds raised through Shaw’s Give Back Where It Counts program for April. A dollar for each of the special reusable bags bought at Wiscasset Shaw’s will.
St. Philip’s Help Yourself Shelf Food Pantry (HYS) has been picked as a beneficiary of the Hannaford Fight Hunger Bag Program for February. The reusable bag program facilitates community support with the goal to make a difference in the communities.
Help Yourself Shelf Food Pantry (HYS) at St. Philip’s Church, 12 Hodge St. in Wiscasset will be holding its winter holiday distribution on Thursday, Dec. 15, from 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Thanks to donations by local groups and people, HYS will be.