Political correctness and there were others who, in fact, did not even know who Harriet Tubman of, and various pictures Harriet Tubman appeared on the whornet and they were women were in fact not harriet seven. Harriet summit has been a subject of childrens fiction. Who harrietple know tubman was. That is not the case with the american public. The irony was noted of having Harry Tuchman on the front of the 20 bill and Andrew Jackson on the back. As many of you know, Andrew Jackson was not only a slaveholder himself, but, he was oversaw indian removal and was renowned for being really an indian killer. In addition to that, many people pointed to the fact that here you have Harriet Tubman who was values, whosead worth was, for many people, defined by the amount of money that people paid for her. On, here she is being put perhaps the most popular symbol of american capitalism, the 20 bill. We have today some very historians who are talking with the placement of tubman on the 20 bill, and
The best week since november, which is kind of shocking compared to how things looked after the u. K. Vote. Not seeing as large gains, but continuing the trend weve seen the trend weve seen in the past four years. Manufacturing data showed the biggest expansion in more than a year. We also got more positive manufacturing numbers out of europe. Take a look at the biggest gaining groups today. Consumer discretionary is leading in part on the strength of automakers, health care, industrials, and tech is also higher. And we see more expensive groups like staples and financial groups lower. Withd fiat both came out june sales and their sales are higher. Because of the strength of the sales we did see you were in suv, a highermargin product. We are also watching gold today. Gold going higher. We see the miners benefit as well. In particular, Newmont Mining gaining. Twofold froming the price of gold and from that deal. Also a lot of news and the m a sphere. Julie it has been an interesting an