the republicans are agreed except three. it s just senators collins, murkowski and mccain. you saw graham and heller go down to the white house yesterday and say maybe there s something we can do, they re working with the freedom caucus, i m sure paul ryan is involved, they ll make another run at this but i have yet to hear and maybe steven is a very good consultant knows what the democratic suggestion is because the only people who were happy on thursday night in the entire country were the people running against democratic incumbents like bill nelson in florida, claire mer could you skal in ms., because those three senators have to defend the original obamacare bill they have to defend not fixing it right now. i don t think that s the case at all. democrats have a very large lead now in polling everywhere on the issue on the issue of health care. it s not an issue where we re going to be on the defensive at all is the republican incumbents