the ancient romans profoundly admired hellenistic culture the philosopher s room is filled with the busts of the great greeks from blind coma to epicurus the roman emperors sometimes claimed descent from home as heroes from the people of venice in troy. the famous dying go to one of the most perfect works of antiquity it was erected fighting atlas the first heard a month to commemorate his victory over the glaciers around the year two hundred b.c. . it. was . visitors to the museum always captivated by this celebrated statute. oh boy extracting the phone from his folks.
rome was and remains the very cultured ancient world the key to that world is here on the capitol hill we get angelo restyled the piazza in fifteen fifty six flags by castro and pollux a broad front of steps leads up to the senator s palace now the city hall rode. on almost ten taisha statue records the fourteenth century tribune cola millions of his incendiary speeches fire the crowds to a fury and they killed in. today s young romans may know little of the city s to be and past though a visit to the nearby capital and museum would make it digitally immediate. the famous equestrian statue of emperor marcos all really are says that. there. the ancient romans profoundly admired hellenistic culture the philosopher s room is