Chris Bergeron
Daily News Correspondent
Entering the American Heritage Museum, the first thing visitors see is the opening sentence of the Declaration of Independence, “When in the Course of human events .” on the Orientation Theatre wall.
Like soldiers rushing into combat, they will continue into an immersive World War I Trench Experience in which one of the few surviving M1917 6-ton tanks built in the U.S. leads an American-led force into battle.
Welcome to a history lesson about courage, freedom and the military s role in protecting democracy with 40-ton tanks as teaching aids.
Visitors will walk through a 67,000 square foot building in which gargantuan armored vehicles - and a captured Iraqi SCUD missile and other rare military artifacts – offer vital lessons about history too often misconstrued in the hot gas of political rhetoric.
Chris Bergeron
Daily News Correspondent
HUDSON – Entering the American Heritage Museum, the first thing visitors see is the opening sentence of the Declaration of Independence, “When in the Course of human events .” on the Orientation Theatre wall.
Like soldiers rushing into combat, they will continue into an immersive World War I Trench Experience in which one of the few surviving M1917 6-ton tanks built in the U.S. leads an American-led force into battle.
Welcome to a history lesson about courage, freedom and the military s role in protecting democracy with 40-ton tanks as teaching aids.
Visitors will walk through a 67,000 square foot building in which gargantuan armored vehicles - and a captured Iraqi SCUD missile and other rare military artifacts – offer vital lessons about history too often misconstrued in the hot gas of political rhetoric.