The Catholic school in Morristown named after a bishop who oversaw the church in Vermont for 20 years is changing its name, partly because of the “unthinkable” alleged sexual abuse
The Catholic school in Morristown named after a bishop who oversaw the church in Vermont for 20 years is changing its name, partly because of the “unthinkable” alleged sexual abuse
Better yet, call it by its new name: The Current.
After nearly a decade of pondering whether to keep a contemporary art gallery, workshop and educational center named after a woman with a problematic connection to Nazis, the art centerâs leadership has rebranded the place, leaving history in the past and looking ahead.
According to The Currentâs executive director Rachel Moore, an art center located in Stowe that serves the greater community for arts education but draws people from all over the world, ought to have a more universal appeal. A more universal name is a good place to start.
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