Kegan Mattheys, keen angler and co-owner of the Strand bait and tackle shop Fishing Republic, shares advice, tips and experiences with readers in his latest column feature, Hook, line & sinker.
Helderberg Village Music Society hosts a classical concert by Viviamo per l’Arte– We Live for Art (comprising trio Albie van Schalkwyk, Nerina von Mayer and Pamela Wijnberg) at Talani Terrace, Helderberg Village, on Sunday 22 October at 16:00. The concert’s theme, “Beautiful Music inspired by Legend and Fantasy”, features the classical works of Bach, Ravel, De Bussy, Bizet and Clarke, performed by the inspiringly wonderful ensemble consisting of piano (Albie van Schalkwyk), two flutes (Nerina von Mayer and Pamela Wijnberg), piccolo and gong.
The Friends of Somerset Library will host a violin recital by François Voges, retired music teacher of Beaumont Primary School, in the Somerset West Library hall on Saturday 21 October from 11:00 to 12:00. He will be joined by an accompanist. Entrance is free. His will be the second recital hosted by Voges and the Friends, the previous one being a great success.
The fundraising charity breakfast “Beyond Business”, which seeks to shine a light on the crucial issue of child sexual abuse in the Helderberg, is scheduled to take place on Wednesday 18 October.
A social worker is still reeling in shock after being accosted by violent protesters amid the ongoing provincial taxi strike, which left the 37-year-old fleeing for his life shortly before his branded work vehicle was set alight in full view of motorists.