In a shocking revelation following the tragic Odisha train accident, which resulted in the loss of 275 lives and left over 1000 injured, a survivor s father shared a heart-wrenching incident
Howrah resident Helaram Mallik travelled 235km to Balasore to recover his son alive from a makeshift morgue where he was kept with the bodies of those killed in the triple train accident.
After pulling out his 24-year-old son Biswajit from the morgue at Bahanaga High School, Helaram rushed to
In a shocking revelation following the tragic Odisha train accident, a survivor's father shared a heart-wrenching incident Helaram Mallik said his son, Vishwajit, was mistaken for dead and had a pile of bodies placed upon him.
Odisha Train Accident: People mistook the West Bengal man s sonĀ as dead as he might have gone into suspended animation , a state of slowing down biological functions.