The Report of Heirangoithong Firing inquiry Commission, 1985 was reprinted by the EEVFAM and the Human Rights Alert and released on March 14, 2022, 38th anniversary of Heirangoithong Massacre 1985.
For the last many decades, the people of Manipur and the Northeast have been facing such types of massacres since the imposition of AFSPA, 1958 by the Government of India, the protesters said.
The killing of 13 civilians by the Army in Nagaland's Mon district not just invited anger from across the militancy-hit state but also triggered fresh demand to repeal the controversial Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act (AFSPA), 1958, which gives the security forces "sweeping power" in the areas declared "disturbed" in the Northeast. As the news of the killings spread Sunday,