International Dairy Queen Inc., a leader in the quick-service restaurant industry, announced the winners of the 2023 Vendor of the Year awards.“Whether these vendors have been with us for a few years or more than 30, they add critical value that contributes to our continued success. We and our franchise owners are grateful for their service to the DQ system.”The awards recognize vendors in the U.S. and Canada that have demonstrated exemplary partnership with IDQ and its network of independent franchise owners who own and operate DQ restaurants.
Private control over Canada’s agricultural sector now extends well beyond farms and into the food processing and retail space, effectively securing policy and regulatory influence along the supply and value chain. The harms perpetuated by this model are having grave consequences, expanding the power of corporate players at the expense of local producers jeopardizing livelihoods that once existed within a well-balanced landscape.
After reaching a near 40-year high over the past year, headline inflation started to cool in the final months of 2022 following a series of aggressive interest rate hikes by the Bank of Canada. According to Statistics Canada, the consumer price index was up 6.3 per cent year over year in December, down from a […]