Statesman OLD Passed Away
The internationally competed small tour horse and Oldenburg licensed Statesman OLD passed away on 7 January 2021. He was 17 years old.
Statesman OLD was born in 2005 and sired by Stedinger out of Weissendra (by Donnerschwee x Titus).
Licensed Stallion
Statesman was bred by American Ann Kitchel, but born at Clemens von Merveldt s Gut Fuchtel in Vechta, Germany.
He was was licensed at the spring approval for the Oldenburg and Brandenburg breed society on 29 April 2008. In 2009 he got licensed for the Hanoverian society. He did his 30-day Stallion Performance Test at the end of 2008 and scored 9.03 for dressage and 7.44 for show jumping, finishing on a total of 8.39 points. He stood at stud at Gestut Vorwerk in Cappeln, Germany.