which of the than republican opponent in indiana donnelly tried to place in it more amorphous unfit because of record but look, it will hurt, it will hurt one way or the other, think about heidi high camp north dakota if she supports cav will enrage left of her party lose a couple points over there will go vote for a green party candidate for throw away ballot if you are a democrat in red state no easy explanation to to be in favor of cav and you will pay a price if you are against him similar larly blue state ease for a commensurate to say against him, and very did i to be for him. i tell you what, my in box meal filing up with people say if republicans reject kavanaugh after these they will lose, i will not vote for them, this is what they say, and they will deserve to lose. do you think that is in fact what will happen?
which of the than republican opponent in indiana donnelly tried to place in it more amorphous unfit because of record but look, it will hurt, it will hurt one way or the other, think about heidi high camp north dakota if she supports cav will enrage left of her party lose a couple points over there will go vote for a green party candidate for throw away ballot if you are a democrat in red state no easy explanation to to be in favor of cav and you will pay a price if you are against him similar larly blue state ease for a commensurate to say against him, and very did i to be for him. i tell you what, my in box meal filing up with people say if republicans reject kavanaugh after these they will lose, i will not vote for them, this is what they say, and they will deserve to lose. do you think that is in fact what will happen?
even with judge neil gorsuch, there s only 170,000 documents produce. the white house is claiming executive privilege on this issue. there s reasons why they don t want to release the documents. there s curiosity because everybody wants to see what s in them. with the death of john mccain they hold a very narrow majority, there are couple of republicans that could be key. let s talk about the democrats. what a joe mansion or joe donnelly, heidi high camp, who are facing reelection and states that trump one, with a vote for this nominee? this is a tough election for them. they all cited with they will most likely side with him because they can get away with this in the red state. it s a area where trump one significantly. there have been silent on where they stand on cavanaugh. as for republicans, republicans
with the supreme court nominee. and president trump is set to welcome the italian prime minister at the white house tomorrow. it is set to be one of our commander in chief s strongest relationships, strongest supporters in western europe. both leaders have similar views on the eu and immigration. president trump praising his italian counter part for trying to toughen the asylum migration policy. those are your headlines. those are significant meetings with kavanaugh because joe donnelly, joe manchin and heidi high camp, very very significant. they may have no choice but to support kavanaugh. remember when philadelphia s liberal mayor celebrated his sanctuary win? well now the city is try to block i.c.e. from doing its job. our next guest a philadelphia radio host and she says the move is all about getting votes.
exonerate them and will help shed at least a little more texture on the story than what we have already. right now it s not looking great. #understatement. julie ainsley, katty kay, thank you for your time. we appreciate it. when we continue, no pressure, heidi high camp. you re one of the last great hopes, i think, for your party honestly. i do. i haven t heard you equate helsinki to pearl harbor or 9/11. you re in a position, though, in a red state with an election in november, so you re our last hope for any type of reasonable rhetoric. states of play takes us to north dakota as the fate of the senate could come down to one red state democrat. allie joins us with her reporting up next. ht cancer. and never lose sight of the patients we re fighting for. our cancer treatment specialists share the same vision. experts from all over the world, working closely together to deliver