Wildlife officers is a harsh talk led guided of hiking tours into the mines near trinidad lowering elk on to the property leased by feeding them a baiting the box it right into the path of the hirsch box band of outofstate hunters have people need to understand that wildlife belongs to them and people are stealing from them when they take illegal wildlife is. Bondholders as a baiting animals as a vehicle but holder says it biggame hunters are committing far more heinous crimes such as in the case of christopher h long carriage of allegedly hunted down at the caps on before his client arrived then he would shoot them in the palm implant the injured animals are far enough away so his clients could not see they were killing creatures to when did that its not hunting that a member of the Outfitters Incorporated specializes in turkey kills just for the hesitant antlers and leaving the meet and carcasses behind to ride. Of wildlife has been wrong its our job to step up and protect them thats