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you know from being in congress while this is often raised, actual indictable action based on a misstatement or even falsehood to congress is relatively rare. it s a high bar. it s meaningful or willful deceit. that is why even before he made the news of saying he would recuse at the very top of the presser yesterday, he said, well, he ctain didn t mean to. he certainly didn t intend to deceive. in other words, okay, even if i said something that wasn t true, i didn t mean that and that is a kind of a proactive defense to perjury. so just because it s a high bar, joe, that is probably an area where legally he is in less jeopardy although this all looks bad. having said that, then you have the other layers here. what happened with russia during the campaign? still a big question. then you have why did you say things that now don t add up? were they false at the time or memory problems? the point you were just raising, joe. third the heart of this mat wte what is the legal process and in