Tamil Nadu Rains: As per IMD reports, Thiruchendur in the Tuticorin District witnessed 60 cm of rain in just 15 hours till 1:30 AM and Palayamkottai in Tirunelveli District recorded 26 AM rainfall. Similarly, Kanyakumari also witnessed 17.3 cm of rainfall.
After a long spell of hot and humid weather, parts of Delhi, Noida, and Gurugram received heavy rainfall today, providing much-needed respite to residents.
Heavy rain lashed several parts of Delhi, as well as adjoining Noida, Ghaziabad and Gurugram on Thursday morning. The downpour has left several areas waterlogged in Ghaziabad which may lead to traffic snarls in the region. As per a forecast issued by IMD on Wednesday, light rain or drizzle was likely to lash city today and a yellow alert warning was issued for July 8, Delhi News, Times Now
Delhi on Thursday woke up to heavy rainfall, providing respite from the scorching heat. As per IMD, Delhi NCR region is expected to witness light to moderate rains and thundershowers, issuing Yellow alert for Thursday., Delhi News, Times Now