LAKE TAHOE, Calif./Nev. - On a sunny Saturday morning, 100 volunteer participants fanned out across Lake Tahoe’s South Shore to take water quality samples from 34 streams, creeks, ponds, and lakes to monitor the health of the Truckee River watershed and Lake Tahoe as part of the 24th annual Snapshot Day.
On May 2nd, an article was published in South Tahoe Now, “Technology being used as a partner in forest fuels treatment at Lake Tahoe,” describing the new “BurnBot” and its brush clearing capabilities. The article opens with a statement from Amy Berry of the Tahoe Fund, claiming that “we are going to lose the whole forest” if they aren’t “thinned”.
SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, Calif. – As the scent of spring starts to fill the air, the South Tahoe Public Utility District and Tahoe Master Gardeners are thrilled to announce a series of free workshops aimed at empowering residents to transform their outdoor space into vibrant, water-efficient gardens.
SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, Calif. - Two South Lake Tahoe residents have been honored by the Pay It Forward Project for their volunteer work on the South Shore. Dave and Bonnie Driscoll were given a $250 grant in their honor to give to the nonprofit of their choice, and they selected Tahoe Magic.
SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, Calif. - It is amazing how far simple praise on a job well done can go. Praise is one of the simplest and most powerful tools to engage and motivate a student, and something that happened ten years ago shows that praise and recognition can be life-long.