The state Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services said a clerical error led to a misunderstanding about the release from civil commitment of James Armstrong, the North Stonington man charge.
Published February 02. 2021 5:38PM
At this point we should all be able to agree on the importance of our elected officials sticking to truth and facts to back up their arguments. In state Sen. Heather Somers guest commentary, Even in pandemic Dems turn to taxes, (Jan. 30) she states that, The leading Democrat.wants to also increase taxes on capital gains and that it would hit hardworking Connecticut taxpayers who save toward their retirement with a 401(k). This is not true, as 401(k) savings are not subject to capital gains taxes. It is certainly an argument likely to resonate with many who have such plans, but it is not based in truth. Our elected officials at all levels should challenge themselves to be factual when communicating with their constituents.