Officials at the Atlantic Vet College in Charlottetown say the discontinuation of after-hours emergency pet care is crippling but unavoidable due to severe staffing shortages in the industry.
The Atlantic Veterinary College in Charlottetown is now the proud owner of a state-of-the-art MRI machine, and officials expect it to enhance training, research and treatment.
Veterinarians group fighting staggering statistics on death by suicide in profession
If you’re a veterinarian dealing with depression, there’s an international group that wants to help you, and also wants the general public to understand the kinds of challenges veterinarians face.
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PEI animal hospital adds first-ever MRI scanner
The machine will enhance offerings in internal medicine, surgery, neurology, and more at UPEI’s Atlantic Veterinary College
January 7, 2021
Animals in Atlantic Canada will soon benefit from enhanced veterinary care, thanks to a new high-tech upgrade.
The Atlantic Veterinary College (AVC) at University of Prince Edward Island (UPEI) is set to expand its diagnostic imaging capacity with the addition of a magnetic resonance imagining (MRI) scanner.
The machine, which is being installed with financial support from the Rathlyn Foundation, is the first MRI to be added to a veterinary hospital in Atlantic Canada, says AVC’s dean, Greg Keefe, DVM, M.Sc., MBA.