Two very provocative and extremely influential articles that were written by frank castiglione. The first appeared in the 1997 issue of the journal of American History. And the second appeared just last year in 2016 in the same journal. These penetrating deal with George Kennan , soviet russia and the cold war. s longknow that kennan telegram, which was sent in february 1946 from moscow to xshington and his socalled article the following year that appeared in the journal of Foreign Affairs these two pieces of writing embodied the core, the very core of u. S. Containment policy for the cold war. Documents that frank focuses on and extrapolates from. Important bothe substantively and methodologically. Reexamines, he kennans motives and thinking. In so doing, he makes a major methodological contribution. He injects a motion a major factor for us to think about that emotion injects emotion as a major factor press to think about, rather than the rational realist, frank portrays kennan in al