the world blows up. almost surreal. no one can say that they forgive the devil.? hello and welcome to dateline. heather bogle was thrilled to get a job at the local whirlpool factory, even if it meant working the graveyard shift. this way her days were still free for her daughter. then the young mother was murdered. the search for her killer would quickly lead to a handful of suspects, but heather s family had their doubts. soon, the family would find officials were hiding a mountain of dirty laundry. here s josh mankiewicz with jagged. there aren t too many places left in this country where you ll find americans still making the things americans use. one of them is this plant in northern ohio. inside these walls is where an astonishingly long and twisting trail began. by the time it ended, it had touched a shattered family, a stunned law enforcement agency and a surprisingly large collection of potential suspects whose names became known to all. often o
particular case, heather bogle s phone did communicate with a satellite. it was one of the many avenues sean o connell had not pursued previously. and we were able to retrieve that data through a search warrant that we served on google. that data was manna from heaven. it pinpointed the location of heather s phone with far greater precision than a cell tower ever could. it puts her phone very close to a trailer in emerald estate trailer park. to within just a few feet of the trailer s front door. and who lives there? daniel myers. that name come up in the investigation before? not to our knowledge at that point. suddenly, kotsopoulos had a fresh lead. he began to dig. daniel myers, age? late 40s. married or single? single. and where does he work? whirlpool. whirlpool? same as heather bogle?
long and twisting trail began. by the time it ended, it had touched a shattered family, a stunned law enforcement agency and a surprisingly large collection of potential suspects whose names became known to all. often on dateline we tell the stories of families and detectives, who find themselves bound together by the same murder. who end up working side by side toward a common goal. sometimes pursuing the same investigation from two different angles. and often each can wind up appreciating the efforts of the other. this wasn t that. at the center of this human cyclone of distrust is a young mom who worked in that plant. heather bogle worked overnights. one eight-hour shift after another. a single parent with a singular
end my law enforcement career by any means. tough. very tough. you guys saw a side of the sheriff s department that most people don t ever see. yeah. we just never thought we d be part of that. you trust the law. the monumental job of restoring the county s faith in its sheriff s office, as well as jump-starting the heather bogle murder investigation, now fell to the newly elected sheriff chris hilton, and his newly appointed lead detective, major nick kotsopoulos. what condition was the case in? in trouble. it was a mess. was detective o connell just over his head or just wrong, or deliberately trying to focus the investigation on people who didn t have anything to do with it? in my opinion, it started off with probably going down the wrong path. i think where it ended up for him was sticking to that path so that he wouldn t be wrong. kotsopoulos began by looking at o connell s three named
justice for heather, and we sold them. we just wanted to keep the word going. it was like, if they re not gonna do it, we re gonna do it. then something happened that no one expected. there had been an arrest. only it wasn t of heather s killer. it was of the sheriff himself. i was actually dumbfounded at first. sheriff kyle overmyer was caught stealing prescription pain pills held in county custody. your sheriff had a drug problem. he did. and he was supporting his habit by pilfering money from a county fund. sheriff overmyer eventually pleaded guilty and was sentenced to four years in prison. to jen, it was yet another indication of a sheriff s office in disarray. it all made sense of why we weren t getting any answers. that turned out to be just the beginning. soon, detective sean o connell was under investigation for how he was handling, or mishandling, the heather bogle murder case. the state attorney general s office