Noch ist die Gefahr nicht gebannt, doch die Lage in den Waldbrandgebieten in Griechenland und in der Türkei entspannt sich. In Italien wurde für viele Städte die höchste Hitzewellen-Stufe ausgerufen.
because something special and i mean really special that s the man who introduced us. the german coach ignore ignore this guy s eyes this is german guy german t.v. . we want to see the talent the future of it your p.r. but only god look at look at. you i think also told me that he has an e.u. visa and it s looking for trials and shit and that he doesn t have an agent yet so what if he also changes my life completely by having me as his agent. as the wealthy and glamorous future ahead of me. back dr than half its instead of the expected heat rain. two and a half years later we meet again during our traditional shopping greeting i noticed