Recently, Law and Home Affairs Minister K Shanmugam announced that casual racism allegations will be dealt with as disciplinary breaches in the Singapore Police Force.
It was recently announced that casual racism allegations will be investigated as disciplinary breaches in the police force. But are guidelines always so clear cut? Where are the grey areas and how can organisations deal with it? Dr Mathew Mathews, head of the Institute of Policy Studies Social Lab, Aamir Bana, an un
Nearly 30 per cent of drug abusers arrested in Singapore last year were under the age of 30. How can we strengthen our anti-drug messaging for the younger generation?
There’s been a worrying rise in the number of young people arrested for drug abuse, with the youngest just 14 years old, says the Central Narcotics Bureau. Despite Singapore’s zero tolerance on drugs and years of intensive messaging, liberal attitudes among young people appear to be stubbornly sticky, with canna