will: welcome to the jungle. ainsley: 33 degrees. going to be in the 30 s all day. 37. will: i think that s pretty controversial what you just said that november rain is their best one. ainsley: that was my favorite. brian: she lives on the edge stephanie seymore wedding dress short in the front and long in the back. brian: is that dr. quinn medicine woman. ainsley: famous victoria secret model and married the billionaire. brian: i m thinking jane seymour. ainsley: she was the medicine woman. and she sold jewelry. the heart ne necklace. steve. will: did you watch that show. brian: i watched a few episodes. i knew she was come in. i wanted to feel like i knew it so i could make. ainsley: like touched by an angel. made you feel good. i never really watched that one. brian: but you liked the one touch. ainsley: we mind me of all the actors in touched by an angel. brian: do you know what kills me will s follow up question. i can t make a statement wi
will: welcome to the jungle. ainsley: 33 degrees. going to be in the 30 s all day. 37. will: i think that s pretty controversial what you just said that november rain is their best one. ainsley: that was my favorite. brian: she lives on the edge stephanie seymore wedding dress short in the front and long in the back. brian: is that dr. quinn medicine woman. ainsley: famous victoria secret model and married the billionaire. brian: i m thinking jane seymour. ainsley: she was the medicine woman. and she sold jewelry. the heart ne necklace. steve. will: did you watch that show. brian: i watched a few episodes. i knew she was come in. i wanted to feel like i knew it so i could make. ainsley: like touched by an angel. made you feel good. i never really watched that one. brian: but you liked the one touch. ainsley: we mind me of all the actors in touched by an