inconsistencies and discrepancies the opposing party might be throwing in our direction, things that we may not know. that s number one. number two, one of the things that you need to do as a republican particularly if you re running for the presidency you have to surround yourself with a bunch of folks that look like us and not just you, that look like hispanics and not just you. let s take the hispanic community into consideration, michael. right now, it says that african-americans are approximately 12.3% of the population that it s dissipated from 14.8%. okay. now, we can debate till the cows come home what the reason for that was, but what is unmistakable and undeniable is when you look at the hispanic community, they ve risen up to over 17% whereas we have 40 million african-americans in this country, they ve got $54 billion and 54 million people and what have we been hearing add nauseam for years and years? immigration reform. you know why? because whoever successfully goes about