apart. the company s now going to ask for bankruptcy and going to ask a bankruptcy judge permission to shut it down permanently and move. that s going to leave over 18,000 workers unemployed and more importantly, going to leave twinkies off the shelf of american supermarkets. heard mika was brought in last minute to try to broker a deal. you know what sounds like two buyers may line up to save the twinkie. one of them a mexican company. i think the twinkie will live on. mexican twinkies? never. pat buchanan was right. usa. usa. i tell you what, how do you not do a deal to save 18,000 workers? a lot of jobs. yeah. i don t know that that s good for the union. ss wheres where s the president? that s a good question. 18,000 people out of work. they should have worked to transform the company and the food it makes and it would have helped the workers keep their jobs. it s too bad and that s a part