Votes. Pursuant to clause 8 of rule 20, the Unfinished Business is the vote on ordering the previous question on House Resolution 708, on which the yeas and nays are ordered. The clerk will report the title of the resolution. The clerk house calendar number 54. House resolution 708. Resolution providing for consideration of the Senate Amendment to the bill, h. R. 3055 making appropriations for the departments of commerce and justice, science and related agencies for the fiscal year ending september 30, 2020, and for other purposes. The speaker pro tempore the question is on ordering the previous question. Members will record their votes by electronic device. This is a 15minute vote. [captioning made possible by the national captioning institute, inc. , in cooperation with the United States house of representatives. Any use of the closedcaptioned coverage of the house proceedings for political or commercial purposes is expressly prohibited by the u. S. House of representatives. ] the sp
Because i think youve provided objective fact based views on what the dangers are and the risks, and potentially even human extinction, an existential threat which i mentioned by many more than just the three of you, experts who know firsthand the potential for harm. But these fears need to be addressed. I think they can be addressed through many of the concessions that you are making to us and others as well. Ive come to the conclusion that we need some kind of regulatory, not just a reactive body. Not just a passive rules to the road maker, edicts on what guardrails should be. But actually investing proactively in research so that we develop countermeasures against the kinds of autonomous apple controlled scenarios that are a potential danger. Artificial intelligence device is in effect programed to resist any turning off. A decision by a. I. To begin Nuclear Reaction to a nonexistent attack. The white house certainly has recognized the urgency with a historic meeting of the seven Ma
Because i think youve provided objective fact based views on what the dangers are and the risks, and potentially even human extinction, an existential threat which i mentioned by many more than just the three of you, experts who know firsthand the potential for harm. But these fears need to be addressed. I think they can be addressed through many of the concessions that you are making to us and others as well. Ive come to the conclusion that we need some kind of regulatory, not just a reactive body. Not just a passive rules to the road maker, edicts on what guardrails should be. But actually investing proactively in research so that we develop countermeasures against the kinds of autonomous apple controlled scenarios that are a potential danger. Artificial intelligence device is in effect programed to resist any turning off. A decision by a. I. To begin Nuclear Reaction to a nonexistent attack. The white house certainly has recognized the urgency with a historic meeting of the seven Ma
Because i think youve provided objective fact based views on what the dangers are and the risks, and potentially even human extinction, an existential threat which i mentioned by many more than just the three of you, experts who know firsthand the potential for harm. But these fears need to be addressed. I think they can be addressed through many of the concessions that you are making to us and others as well. Ive come to the conclusion that we need some kind of regulatory, not just a reactive body. Not just a passive rules to the road maker, edicts on what guardrails should be. But actually investing proactively in research so that we develop countermeasures against the kinds of autonomous apple controlled scenarios that are a potential danger. Artificial intelligence device is in effect programed to resist any turning off. A decision by a. I. To begin Nuclear Reaction to a nonexistent attack. The white house certainly has recognized the urgency with a historic meeting of the seven Ma
Because i think youve provided objective fact based views on what the dangers are and the risks, and potentially even human extinction, an existential threat which i mentioned by many more than just the three of you, experts who know firsthand the potential for harm. But these fears need to be addressed. I think they can be addressed through many of the concessions that you are making to us and others as well. Ive come to the conclusion that we need some kind of regulatory, not just a reactive body. Not just a passive rules to the road maker, edicts on what guardrails should be. But actually investing proactively in research so that we develop countermeasures against the kinds of autonomous apple controlled scenarios that are a potential danger. Artificial intelligence device is in effect programed to resist any turning off. A decision by a. I. To begin Nuclear Reaction to a nonexistent attack. The white house certainly has recognized the urgency with a historic meeting of the seven Ma