The Straits Times
Essential health services for all, a mission impossible?: Jakarta Post contributor
The writer says that increased investment for Indonesia s national health insurance program must be prioritised.
The writer says that Indonesia needs huge investment to achieve equity in accessing quality health care services.PHOTO: AFP
Laksono Trisnantoro
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The COVID-19 pandemic has overburdened the healthcare system in Indonesia and many other countries. The national COVID-19 task force has warned that unless there is greater awareness about and adherence to health protocols, the health system will collapse.
Thousands have lost their lives. In these challenging times, it is critical that even as we take steps to end this pandemic, we also continue our efforts to deliver essential health services to every individual without discrimination, i.e. ensure universal health coverage (UHC). Not only will this prepare our systems for future emergencies but also guarantee that people will not suffer due to health costs.