/PRNewswire/ OSF Ventures joins six other investors in a Series A, $12.5 million funding round for a wireless, wearable EEG (brain wave monitor) to detect.
A $1 million donation to the OSF HealthCare Foundation will support neuroscience innovation.
The gift is from former Caterpillar Group President Ed Rapp and his wife Ann. Ed Rapp was diagnosed with ALS - or Lou Gehrig s disease - and has focused his retirement efforts on finding a cure.
The gift comes after the Rapps created an OSF HealthCare endowment last year. It funds innovation efforts aimed at earlier disease diagnoses and improving assistive technologies.
The newest donation will support collaborative research efforts between OSF HealthCare Illinois Neurological Institute, Jump Simulation and University of Illinois engineers.
OSF says more than 12 million Americans are projected to suffer from degenerative or autoimmune disorders including ALS, dementia, Parkinson’s disease and Multiple Sclerosis within the next 30 years.