An ongoing chemo drug shortage has left one in 10 patients scrambling for life sustaining treatments with many dying before getting them, including beloved Milwaukee football coach Jeff Bolle [pictured].
Briefings on medication shortages are part of Dr. Arpit Mehta’s routine. As director of pharmacy at Allegheny General Hospital, Mehta sits down with his team for an hour every week to talk about medications the hospital may have difficulty keeping in stock. “Our list is 100-ish medications that we are
News Briefs - Medicare Proposal Would Require Hospitals to Report Emissions - Hospitals for the first time could be asked to report their greenhouse gas emissions to the federal health.
A lack of information on drug shortages can make it difficult to identify and respond to shortages appropriately, but improving supply chain transparency and federal oversight could reduce or prevent drug shortages in the US, according to experts. Conflicting information and a lack of transparency about drug shortages can make it difficult to identify and respond to shortages appropriately, according to experts.