2. So. The evolution. Toony. I think you own us is a one off his horse has a power and a beauty combined and he so musical and speaks all these languages and hes like he has it all the thing about you know the skull from and is that hes a phenomenally intelligent guy he thinks about everything i mean of course hes a good looking very handsome 10 or very often they are fair aki or not so good looking and he has everything you know as has gone through a rough patch i mean theres not been well so theres a lot of expectation and were all rooting for him you know where he fits in the pantheon of the great tenors certainly hes one for the ages no question. Busy you know scott is arguably the greatest singer of his generation. At the Royal Opera House cotton garden hes been tackling one of the most taxing roles in italian opera there. In the final hour before going on stage there was a little piece in his dressing room one thing for fact check no no to a few years to turn so proud to say yes
2. So. The revolt. To me. I think you own us is a one off its royce has a power and a beauty combined and hes so musical and speaks all these languages and hes like he has it all the thing about illness kaufman is that hes a phenomenally intelligent guy he thinks about everything i mean of course hes a good looking very handsome 10 or very often they are fed up your not so good looking and he has everything you know must have gone through a rough patch i mean does not been well so and has a lot of expectation and were all rooting for him you know where he fits in the pantheon of the great tennis certainly hes one for the ages no question. You know scott is arguably the greatest singer of his generation. At the Royal Opera House Covent Garden hes been tackling one of the most taxing roles in italian opera their days otello in the final hour before going on stage there was a little piece in his dressing room one thing for effect. No no to a few years to turn so proud to say yeah it just
Warship passed shot down an iranian drone in the gulf trying to say is opposed to a threat to the warship but irans foreign minister zarif says he has no information about losing a drone. And in japan mourners create tribute to the victims of an arson attack on an Animation Studio 33 people were killed in the blaze. Under that she well thank you very much for your company. German chancellor merkel has credited the young people in the fridays for future movement for spurring on her environmental policy she said the activists have driven her to act faster on Climate Change mickey was speaking out to andrew salmon News Conference where there was plenty to talk about after a turbulent. Book Coalition Government among the issues was the election of course on the line as the next president of the European Commission. The german chancellor arrived ahead of schedule to answer the many questions of the international press. After a turbulent year within her coalition and concerns over her health
2. So. The evolution. To me. I think illness is a one off his voice has a power and a beauty combined and hes so musical and speaks all these languages and hes like he has it all the thing about you know the skull from and is that hes a phenomenally intelligent guy he thinks about everything i mean of course hes a good looking very handsome 10 are very often they are fed up you are not so good looking and he has everything you know must have gone through a rough patch i mean theres not been well so theres a lot of expectation and were all rooting for him you know where he fits in the pantheon of the great tennis certainly hes one for the ages no question. Was. You know scott is arguably the greatest singer of his generation. At the Royal Opera House called the garden hes been tackling one of the most taxing roles in italian opera there. In the final hour before going on stage there was a little piece in his dressing room one thing for that chair. To inform you that yes to transfer priv
2. So. The revolt. To me. I think you own us is a one off his horse has a power and a beauty combined and hes so musical and speaks all these languages and hes like he has it all the thing about you know the skull from and is that hes a phenomenally intelligent guy he thinks about everything i mean of course hes a good looking very handsome 10 are very often they are fair that akio are not so good looking and he has everything the onus has gone through a rough patch i mean does not being well so theres a lot of expectation and were all rooting for him you know where he fits in the pantheon of the great tennis certainly hes one for the ages no question. Was. You know scott is arguably the greatest singer of his generation. At the Royal Opera House called the garden hes been tackling one of the most taxing roles in italian opera there. In the final hour before going on stage there was a little piece in his dressing room one thing for fact check no no to inform you that yes to transfer pr