LETHBRIDGE, ALTA. Lethbridge police have charged two people with health policy violations after a mid-March house party. The incident took place March 13, 2021 on the 200 block of Fairmont Boulevard S, where there was a large indoor social gathering. Police charged the party organizers with contravening an order of the Medical Officer of Health. If found guilty, both face fines of up to $1,200. Alberta Health Services South Zone tweeted a request that anyone who attended a house party on March 13 or 20 book a COVID-19 test as a precautionary measure, due to the fact that someone at the party tested positive. Alberta Health Services is asking individuals who attended a house party in south Lethbridge on either March 13 and/or March 20 to book a COVID-19 test as a precautionary measure due to exposure to a positive individual in attendance.