Autism has been linked to significantly higher rates of self-harm, suicidal thoughts, or suicide attempts and deaths. However, the reason for this elevated risk remains unclear.
Not enough men in Alberta, Canada -; especially those in their 40s -; are getting tested for diabetes, putting them at risk for heart disease, cancer and other complications, according to new population health research published today in The Lancet Regional Health - Americas.
Around three times as many males are diagnosed with autism than females. This suggests that biological sex factors may play a role in the development and presentation of autism.
Studies on the neurobiology (brain biology) of males and females with autism have begun to examine brain networks but results have been mixed. This is largely due to the limited availability of data from autistic females.
In response, researchers from Child Mind Institute and colleagues involved in the AIMS2TRIALS, have combined thousands of MRI data openly available for scientific discovery in the Autism Brain Imaging Exchange (ABIDE) repository to explore brain network differences between autistic and neurotypical control males and females. They used the ABIDE sample for discovery of new information and two additional large samples to see if those findings could be repeated (i.e., replicated). These included one sample derived from the Gender Explorations of Neurogenetics and Development to Adv