Great news! Women with blue or orange Community Health Assist Scheme (CHAS) cards can get a free HPV shot to protect themselves from cervical cancer. Blue and orange CHAS cardholders will now be able to get free human papillomavirus (HPV) jabs as the government aims to fight cervical cancer. This is applicable for women from lower-income families between the ages.
Health News - Women between the ages of 18 and 26 from lower income families can now get free human papillomavirus, or better known as HPV, vaccination to fight cervical cancer. Available until Oct 30, Temasek Foundation will be fully funding any out-of-pocket costs for the vaccination. Read more at
Singapore News - As Singapore braces itself for a new Covid-19 wave driven by the Omicron variant, it must choose whether to tighten social restrictions for everyone - or only for those who are more likely to strain the healthcare system. This is why the Health Ministry has chosen to. Read more at