Updated: 4:56 PM EDT May 1, 2021
NORFOLK, Va. In Hampton Roads, Navy employees are going back to having fewer restrictions in their activities as more Virginians continue to get vaccinated for COVID-19.
The Department of the Navy said its installations were returning to Health Protection Condition Level Bravo on Saturday, May 1. This is happening after a meeting was held with the Office of the Secretary of Defense for the conditions under the HPCON level.
“We’re pleased that we’ve made significant progress in our fight against the coronavirus,” said Rear Adm. Charles Rock, Commander, Navy Region Mid-Atlantic. “Sailors and DOD civilians are all doing their part by voluntarily getting vaccinated. It’s now easier than ever to get a vaccine, and the faster that people get vaccinated the faster we’ll be able to finally sink COVID-19 once and for all.”