be that here s another one. is eating crisps and cheese balls ok? is it better than eating sweets? taste is it better than eating sweets? we as dentists have been guilty for a while as dentists have been guilty for a while and as dentists have been guilty for a while and recommending foods that can cause while and recommending foods that can cause other health problemsjust because can cause other health problemsjust because they don t have sugar in them because they don t have sugar in them i because they don t have sugar in them i am because they don t have sugar in them. i am against that. we need to have one them. i am against that. we need to have one healthy message. we need to work together with the nutritionists and all work together with the nutritionists and all medical health professionals and all medical health professionals and we and all medical health professionals and we need to keep on one message. we need and we need to keep on one message. we need