Lots to talk about. Looking at chinese debt, its another way of looking at all of this as the Deleveraging Campaign continues. , have a up the chart look at this is the borrowing binge. It has really been chronic. It is a chronic concern. Looking at this, we have total 206 of gdp, higher then twice the average economies. Should we be paying that much attention to the total amount or should we be looking ahead . This is deleveraging, the push that we have. There could be some light at the end of the tunnel for the naysayers about the chinese economy. Kong, shenzhen, shanghai and just under half an hour. And we have singapore, taipei, and kuala lumpur. On the street of dreams overnight. A tech rally, it was felt by the draw we saw in metals. It could be in for an interesting session. We will take a look at the big picture. The longest losing streak this year. A dollar. Tracking the decline into your treasury yields. Some of the tax talk optimism. Sliding with bond yields on the gdp. Seei
[inaudible]. The passwords and on the useability side you are probably dealing with 2530 passwords and each are 12 characters and it is the perfect combination of bad security and usability. Bebehind the password of thing, they are looking to give more options to prove who you are online. There are times crow you have want to be anonymous but downloading Health Records or mortgage papers you would want security so they are not online because there is no way to make sure you are peter and not someone inpersonating you. And the third thing is thing is you want to enhance this through what is out there and know the data provided is only what is needed. Host what is the budget . Guest the whitehouse requ t requested 24. 5 million and the hill has given us 16. 5 of that. We spent the bulk on pilot programs testing out ideas and technologies to take the ideas in strategy and test them on the marketplace. But some of it goes to research and supporting other efforts as well. Host what is the w
Would help. Thank you, director. I look forward to working with director ram and i want to thank the commissioners because i worked with you during this process and will is the community along with cpmc. The department of course has the Development Agreement and we have the responsibility to provide this Overall Health in our city for example with the Ebola Response we worked very closely with the hospital and made site visits to make sure they were prepared. We are obligated to ensure that when we hear things like diabetes and cultural competency i think we can work closely with cpmc and a stronger way to ensure that they are culturally competent. I dont see why i cant work with them closely to ensuring them. Also the mso issue in the tenderloin, i think we can solve that. We tried to work very closely with the clinic consortium and there is an mso within that group and that is an example. So there is i think a possibility of that. We also want to work closely to ensure that the new h
Arriving. Welcome ms. Sanchez. On the ureter the second item on the agenda is the approval of the meetings of november 18, 2014. We are preparing for a motion for the approval of the minutes motion to approve is there a second . Is there a second . Is there further comment, corrections are there any Public Comments . Note all those in favor of the minutes of november 18 please say aye. Opposed . The minutes have been accepted item 3 is the reference report good afternoon commissioners. On the ebola update i have dr. [inaudible] here and i wanted to do an update and see if you have questions for him he is available. We have a great job of planning and also preparing for ebola. Our staff, we have been looking at this as a major preparedness activity and so we have already have identified over 15 individuals who could be utilized if [inaudible] any other significant response to e bola issue. I think thats a Good Practice for us. Also, cdc has sent out a document on the 35 Treatments Cente
Seats can be chair or vice chair. So in the meantime we will poll the commission to see what desires people have to be alternates or not. I think its important to rotate a lot of the positions so we will come back before january with a sense of that. All right. Perfect and the other thing i wanted to mention that melds into the future agenda items since our last meeting the Supervisor Scott Wiener has introduced legislation that made its way through the board process of asking lafco if would work on a new study to look at open source elections so that is something that the board is asking lafco to look at. I believe its not on our agenda today because when that process was still going through it hadnt passed the board yet when doing our agenda and thats why its not on there but in the future we will get a request to do this new study. What my recommendation is at this point on that is instruct me to do more research. Find out exactly what it is, how much time it would take and come bac