Plans to exempt many small-scale Natural Health Product (NHP) manufacturers and rongo practitioners from regulation under the Therapeutic Products Bill have been announced by Minister of Health Ayesha Verrall and Associate Minister of Health (Mori Health) Peeni Henare. "I would like to thank the thousands of submitters on this important Bill. The feedback received by the Committee has shaped the changes we are proposing and will ensure the legislation is robust and fit for the future," Ayesha Verrall said. "The changes announced today recognise that the Bill as originally drafted went too far. For example, particular concerns were raised that the regulatory regime for NHPs wasn't risk proportionate, and the costs may drive small producers of NHPs out of business. "A number of NHP producers operate out of their homes and produce only a small quantity of goods. These are often sold locally, for example at farmers' markets. "The Bill is intended to support