In the face of a seemingly endless onslaught of global issues in recent years, from the COVID-19 pandemic, widespread economic downturn, climate change and geopolitical fall-out of current conflicts in the Middle East, Ukraine and Africa, the 2024 World Economic Forum (WEF) focused its lens on the roots of global cooperation: trust, transparency, consistency and accountability, bringing together public and private sectors, key stakeholders, leaders, and young people for collaboration and to build the foundations for a sustainable future. Under the Forum’s theme “Rebuilding Trust,” PMNCH and its leaders played a pivotal role at WEF 2024, advocating for the acceleration of WCAH and well-being issues across the key thematic programmes. Davos 2024 also marks the launch of PMNCH’s Business Leadership Guide, whose aim is to mobilize and grow the number of private sector businesses that proactively pledge to support the Agenda for Action for Adolescents. Recognizing that every action