Cigarette smoking may not only be harmful to the lungs but also lead to poor mental health, according to a study. The researchers from Hebrew University of Jerusalem in Israel surveyed more than 2,000 students enrolled at Serbian universities with differing socio-political and economic environments.
Families of children with autism a developmental disorder which impairs the ability to communicate and interact face high physical and emotional burdens, and are sometimes even accused of child abuse, a study says.
Young children who showed less fear and desire for social connection, and engaged rarely in copycat behaviour are more likely to exhibit antisocial traits later in life.
The study, published in the journal Mayo Clinic Proceedings, examined the idea of diabetic cardiomyopathy and heart failure from the effects of diabetes alone.
Children who watched a cooking show featuring healthy food were nearly three times more likely to make a healthy food choice than those who watched a different episode showing unhealthy dishes, a study says.