Senior Medical Officer of Health Dr Anton Best is reporting a slight increase in COVID-19 cases in Barbados as he updated the country on the lingering presence of the pandemic.“Up to December 18. There is a slight increase in the COVID-19 cases in terms of the numbers of new infections, in terms of the positivity rates,” Dr Best revealed on Wednesday during a press conference with Chief Medical Officer Dr The Most Honourable Kenneth George.“In the week 12 December to 18 December we diagnosed 318 cases and that was compared to 317 cases in the previous week. So for all intents and purposes it is essentially stable with slight increases,” Dr Best added.He said fewer people are presenting themselves for testing when they are symptomatic and this has accounted for a drop in the numbers.“Of course we don’t want that. We want to maintain the best possible understanding of the COVID situation in Barbados, and for that to happen we need people to come forward and be tested. When we
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Prime Minister Mia Amor Mottley and Senior Medical Officer of Health Dr Anton Best said on Monday that preparations are being made to conduct genomic surveillance at the Best-dos Santos Public Health Laboratory.
According to Best, this is a more sustainable and wiser choice to be able to identify variants of novel coronavirus (COVID-19).
Best said he had a meeting on Saturday to look at issues related to the lab, which included members of the Barbados Association of Medical Practitioners. One of the recommendations was the need to have continuous genomic surveillance.
Best was speaking from Ilaro Court during a live COVID-19 press conference.
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Health officials have taken control of a senior citizens’ home which has been designated as an isolation facility after 31 patients tested positive for coronavirus (COVID-19).
This was among the issues addressed by Minister of Health and Wellness Jeffrey Bostic today while speaking during a live press conference on the management of COVID-19. Bostic said while there is community spread of COVID-19, it is not too late to reverse this trend.
Prime Minister Mia Amor Motley, chairman of the Cabinet Sub-committee on COVID-19 Senator Dr Jerome Walcott, Infectious Disease Specialist and head of the Isolation Facilities, Dr Corey Forde and Senior Medical Officer of Health Dr Anton Best also participated in the press conference.
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Prime Minister Mia Amor Mottley announced that she had received a vaccine for coronavirus (COVID-19). (GP) Social Share
Prime Minister Mia Amor Mottley said a short while ago that she is among eight people who recently received a vaccine for coronavirus (COVID-19).
Mottley said Minister of Health Jeffrey Bostic, Attorney General Dale Marshall and five medical frontline workers also received the vaccine.
“My arm is a little sore but, other than that, I am in good shape,” she said.
The Prime Minister said she is due to receive the second vaccine in a few weeks, as are the others.
January 15, 2021
As local health officials continue to battle a backlog of cases a decision has been taken to release people from quarantine who are asymptomatic and who have been awaiting their COVID-19 PCR test results.
The new system, which started on Thursday and will be done on a case-by-case basis, will see individuals being issued with a Certificate of Release from the Chief Medical Officer.
During a media briefing on Thursday evening, medical officials explained that it will apply to those who have reached or passed their 14 days in quarantine as well as those who are 10 to 13 days in quarantine.