At Central Railway headquarters a function was organised under the aegis of Staff Benefit Fund to celebrate International Women’s Day and Chaired by Anil Kumar Lahoti, General Manager Central Railway and Menu Lahoti, President Central Railway Women’s Welfare Organisation.
kelly: two people killed and several others injured. it happened stadium, the call is under investigation. plus. julie: palestinian president abbas undergoing a routine health check-up and the doctors say the results are good. the 82 has suffered a heart attack in the past but the doctors say he is doing fine. kelly: republicans are looking to regroup. the gop s stalled agenda a source of frustration for president trump as you can imagine, in fact, he tweets, quote, after seven years of talking, repeal and replace, the people of our great country are still being forced to live with imemployeding obamacare. garrett tienny and the very latest on skinny care and failure. congress had a lot on its plate this year. most of the big-ticket items