. it takes energy to make things and bring them to your house. our tech economy runs on energyr to a lot o ef it. conomy r how do you think their keepep te their server farms running? energyirserver is pretty much it the key to everything that americans do for a living. it s the key to health carr a le and agriculture. and yes, media and travel and construction. entertainment, even finance,h te which is symbiotic with the real economy, depends in the end the end on energy because youne can t lend moneyrgy be to busins if they no longer exist. and if energy prices go up gigh enough, they don t exist. so given how central, very obviously central energy is to everything that matters in america, it s hard to believe the biden administration would intentionally make energy much more expensivenerg because we knowgh for a fact, having seen it repeatedly through history, that high energyhigh prices will crush our economy faster even than the covid lockdown s l it. somele will become poor.com